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Wacom kits available for checkout from the CADTech Helpdesk. - News / Labs - CADTech Help Desk

Mar 3 2023

Wacom kits available for checkout from the CADTech Helpdesk.

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We just added eight (8) Wacom Cintiq 16 kits into the CADTech Helpdesk Checkout area (7B-1263)

There are five (5) kits available on a reserved basis for School of Art Students, Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, and Staff.

There are an additional three (3) kits available for the rest of the CAD student, Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, and staff population.

If you have access to the SOA kits (or other kits through your specific program cages, like SPAS or SOFA, we ask that you go there first to the resources already dedicated to your program.

The CAD-general kits represent a pilot program for expanding this resource to our CAD community.

Due to the smaller pool of kits available for checkout, we are putting in place these rules:

+ Each Wacom Cintiq 16 kit is available for 24 hour checkout (like most cage items).

+ If you check a Wacom Cintiq 16 kit out on a Friday, it will be due back on Monday by the same time that you checked it out.

+ All checkout users must wait one (1) hour after returning the Wacom Cintiq 16 kit before you can check that kit (or comparable Wacom kits) out again. This is to ensure that no single person is monopolizing a kit.

We appreciate your cooperation with these rules!

If a kit is not available, there are quite a few labs with 24-7 access that have Wacom Cintiq 16s for use, check to see if a room is free.

Effective 3/3/2023

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