Sometimes there are some issues when uploading large files to cloud (files in excess of 8-10 GBs). Here are some suggestions that you may follow if you run into an issue while uploading the files.
Try to make the file smaller
Try to compress the file when uploading and then the intended receiver can decompress it.
You might want to ensure that compressing and decompressing doesn't degrade the quality of work (images can appear distorted).
If you cannot afford to compress try to reduce the size by removing non-essential things such as pictures etc.
Upload file in smaller chunks
Divide the file into smaller chunks and try to upload them individually
To bypass Cloud and its inherent technical limitations, connect to RIT's VPN and then directly to file shares on
We have some documentation here that outlines how you can connect from your home computer.
Use Google Drive
Your student Google Drive account has basically unlimited (17TB+) space and can be used to move files between home and school.
Google implements some really neat deduplication tech that might save you some time and bandwidth.