Scenario 1:
When end users are required to change their RIT password, your "cached" password on your laptop/desktop can fall out of Sync with RIT. This means you will need to use your old password to login to your computer.
Scenario 2:
You are constantly asked to unlock the KeyChain.
Solution 1: On campus at RIT and you have a hardwired ethernet connection
Plug your laptop or desktop into the RIT network
If not at the login window, log out of the computer
Now login to the computer using your RIT username and your current password
You should then be presented with the following message
Click on "Update Keychain Password"
Then this dialog will show up
Now enter your OLD RIT PASSWORD, not your new one.
Click OK
Your cached RIT password has now be synced to your new password.
Solution 2: You are constantly asked to unlock the KeyChain
While logged in as the user, launch located in /Applications/Utilities/
Click the "Lock" icon on the top left of the window and then enter your OLD PASSWORD
Now go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Change Password for Keychain "login"
In this window, you will enter the old "working" password in the "current" field and then the current new login password in the other remaining fields
Click OK and then have them log off and then log back on to make sure they are no longer prompted for their old password