How do I create a OneDrive account?
Your RIT account will automatically have OneDrive access, you only need to login using your RIT email and password. More on how to login/access below.
How do I access OneDrive?
OneDrive can be accessed through a web browser or locally on your machine with the OneDrive app, available in the RIT Self Service app by installing “Microsoft 365”.
To access via web browser,
Enter your RIT email address (ex:
You will be prompted for your RIT password and MFA (required at every login).
Once successfully authenticated, you will be redirected to the Home page where you should see all the files you have.
How do I add a user to a share?
Once logged in, right click on the file or directory you’d like to alter access to. | |
Select the “Grant Access” button at the top right. | |
In the “To: Name, group, email” input, you can search for the RIT user(s) you’d like to add access for. You can search by RIT username, name, or even ActiveDirectory group if sharing files for a course. The pencil dropdown to the right of the search bar will allow you to select the kind of access the user should get; “Can edit” which allows full control over the file(s), |
OneDrive training
ITS has a number of articles about OneDrive use for courses that can also be referenced. RIT also offers a number of online training units through TalentRoadmap.