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OneDrive FAQ

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How do I create a OneDrive account?

Your RIT account will automatically have OneDrive access, you only need to login using your RIT email and password. More on how to login/access below.

How do I access OneDrive?

OneDrive can be accessed through a web browser or locally on your machine with the OneDrive app, available in the RIT Self Service app by installing “Microsoft 365”.

To access via web browser,

  • Go to

  • Enter your RIT email address (ex:

  • You will be prompted for your RIT password and MFA (required at every login).

  • Once successfully authenticated, you will be redirected to the Home page where you should see all the files you have.

How do I add a user to a share?

Once logged in, right click on the file or directory you’d like to alter access to.

Select the “Grant Access” button at the top right.


In the “To: Name, group, email” input, you can search for the RIT user(s) you’d like to add access for. You can search by RIT username, name, or even ActiveDirectory group if sharing files for a course.

The pencil dropdown to the right of the search bar will allow you to select the kind of access the user should get;

“Can edit” which allows full control over the file(s),
“Can view” which disallows editing to file(s),
“Can’t download” which allows viewing files but no downloading.

OneDrive training

ITS has a number of articles about OneDrive use for courses that can also be referenced. RIT also offers a number of online training units through TalentRoadmap.

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