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File Shares

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How to connect?

There are are a few ways to connect to CAD File Services, and the order of preference changes if you are off campus, or on campus.

On Campus

  • Using Windows or Mac OS - This will provide you with the best speed, user experience, and flexibility

  • - This will work, but is limited in it's speed, and flexibility. 

Off Campus

  • Using VPN and connecting using Windows or Mac OS - Again this will provide you with the best user experience and flexibility 

  • - This is a great solution when the computer you are on does not have the VPN, or you are otherwise unable to make a stable connection to VPN

What is cad-files?

cad-files is a server that provides file services for use by faculty, staff, and students of CAD and RIT. This server is backed by high speed network and storage and is growing constantly.

  • Transfer - The Transfer folder is a specific file share that allows a user temporary storage to move files from one computer to another. 

  • My Shares - A collaborative file share space which self managed access controls - Managed at

  • Courses - Faculty managed Course shares with no file size limitation and dropbox features - Managed at

  • Rendershare - Used by Faculty, Staff and Students to storage assets to be used on the Renderfarm. 

What are "My Shares"?

My Shares is a system we have developed that allows you to create file share space on our servers. This space can be shared with other people at RIT easily and is managed through our Request Portal at

Usage is dictated by RIT's C08.2 Code of Conduct for Computer Usage, and is intended for Academic use/storage, but there are no file size limitations or expirations on its use. It SHOULD NOT be considered secure storage, and should not be used to store data considered Private or Confidential.


How do I connect to CAD file shares if I'm off campus?

You must be connected to RIT's network to connect to the CAD file shares.  In order to be connected to the RIT Network off campus, you have to use the Cisco AnyConnect client to connect to the RIT network.  You can go to to download the client, and view instructions on how to install.

How do I connect?

Mac OS

How do I connect to the server from Mac OS?

  1. If you are off campus, you must first connect to the RIT VPN.

  2. From Finder, click the Go menu, and then select Connect to Server.

    Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 11.29.19 AM.png

  3. Type in the address of the share you want to access and click Connect. Below are some available shares and their addresses.

    Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 11.30.28 AM.png

  4. Transfer: smb://
    Courses: smb://
    Help: smb://
    Rendershare: smb://
    My Shares: smb://

  5. If prompted, enter your RIT username and password, and click Connect. You should now see a window pop up with the file share.

    Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 11.31.20 AM.png


  1. Click the Start menu and then select Run.  Alternatively, hold the Windows key and type the letter “R”. Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 11.34.22 AM.png

  2. Type in the address of the share you want to access and click OK. Below are some available shares and their addresses.
    Transfer: \\\transfer
    Courses: \\\courses
    Help: \\\help
    Rendershare: \\\rendershare\<Your RIT Username>
    My Shares: \\\my_sharesScreenshot 2023-07-13 at 11.36.10 AM.png

  3. When prompted, enter in your RIT username and password and click OK. Important:  If your first login attempt fails, prepend your username with ‘MAIN\’ like this:  MAIN\abc1234.  This will force your personal computer to authentication against RIT’s directory.

How do I get server space for a class I’m teaching?

Please visit to request Courses share space.

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