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External Domain to your CAD Personal web account - Knowledgebase / Web Hosting - CADTech Help Desk

External Domain to your CAD Personal web account

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CAD Personal Web accounts are available for the express purpose of meeting your academic needs. This resource is available to you so you can complete scholarly projects, research, and learning. 

It is against our terms of use and policies to attempt to use your CAD Person Web Account as a domain hosting provider for an external domain. 

What is now allowed exactly?

Our servers will not reply to if you attempt to create a CNAME or A record from your domain name provider pointed to our servers.

What is allowed?

Some external domain name providers will allow you to set up a redirect from → The final URL that shows up in your visitor's browser will be your * address. 
This is an allowed setup, but you will be on your own to work with your domain name provider to determine if this is possible. 

There are two ways to set up redirect:

If you are using Namecheap, on the Domain List, go to Manage page of the desired domain.

1). Redirect to another URL in Domain Tab(easier, quicker setup for URL redirect)

  • If you are using Namecheap, on the Redirect Domain section, click on the ADD REDIRECT option.

  • Enter your personal domain in the Source URL field.

  • Enter your CAD full link address in the Destination URL.

  • The checkmarks on right side allows you to check them individually, the check mark at the most bottom indicating SAVE ALL CHANGES will do what it say.

  • Check for conflicting records by using the advance DNS tab. If there is A, CNAME, URL redirect record, in the type field, with different values but same host, that should be removed, so the domain works properly.

2). Redirect a URL in Advanced DNS Tab(enables you set up some other records)

  • If you are using Namecheap, on the Advance DNS page, at the HOST record section, there is a red button says add new record, click that.

  • It will show few drop down menu and fields.

    • For the type, it should be url redirect record. 

    • For the host, if you put '@', that will go to your root domain. if you put "www", the host would show www. 

    • For the value, enter the destination URL.

    • For the last drop down menu, leaving it Unmasked.

    • Save and check if there is conflicting record.

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