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403 Forbidden when trying to get to a Web Account - Knowledgebase / Web Hosting - CADTech Help Desk

403 Forbidden when trying to get to a Web Account

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If you are getting a 403 forbidden error when trying to view your website, there is a good chance it’s a simple solution.

There are a few very important things to check to troubleshoot this problem!

Make sure your folder structure looks like this!



The public_html directory is a special directory that the webserver looks at and serves your files from. If you are missing that directory, the web server won't know where to look for your files.


Make sure that you have an index.html or index.php file in your public_html directory (or any other directory you are trying to get to.)

The web server looks for an index.html, index.htm, or index.php in your directories. Without those files, the webserver doesn't know what you want to do when you ask for a directory.

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